Monday, December 9, 2013

Big Bad Wolf Book Sale

Big Bad Wolf Book Sale 2013 Malaysia

Big Bad Wolf Book Sale

Guess where was I 5 hours before I was supposed to go to work on Sunday?
-- Book sales!. I know, I am such a genius. That photo was taken at like 2am, can you see the crowd? What's wrong with these people? don't they have to go to work and study or something? Well, I ended up dragging my feet to work today and looked like I was gonna past out anytime. 

Seriously, ever since my ever-so-lovely roomie told me that we are turning 25 next year, I can literally feel the age creeping up from behind. Like, I can't stay up all night now, and my skin is more sensitive now. urgh. this is turning into some kind of mini crisis.

I digress.

Anyway, this is my first time going to a 24 hours book sale. And I was loving it! I love all shops that open 24-hours. One of my fondest memories in Singapore was the 24-hours supermarket near my house. Buying groceries in the middle of night is such a brilliant idea.

I digress. Again.

You should just check out their website yourself if you do not already know what I am talking about. 

big bad wolf book sale

I was slightly disappointed that I couldn't find the complete Eragon series. Maybe I should really order them from Amazon instead ಠ_ಠ

Here's our loot-->
book, big bad wolf book sales, star wars

Look what I found!!

Star Wars, The New Essential Guide, Droids, Alien Species
I am such a Star Wars geek. I scream in joy (literally) when I found this gem among the mountains of papers that was trying to separate us. I then grab on to it and refused to let go like a three years old. (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿) My life is now complete.

If you are around Kuala Lumpur, make sure to check it out!  

I posted about a 5-minute blog challenge that I thought was brilliant, and I kinda failed (╥﹏╥)
Should I start again this week? Or should I try to find something else to do? (`◔ ω ◔´)


  1. 24小时不打烊的书展,很令人感兴趣~

    1. 而且都很便宜哦!小说基本上都是RM8而已。可惜只有英语书籍~
